Massage during 1st Trimester

High Risk Pregnancy

If your pregnancy has been classified as high-risk it is important that you discuss with your GP or obstetrics team about your intention of receiveing a treatment, in case there are any adaptations they would like me to make. 


For the same reason any concerns about pain or injury during pregnancy needs to be discussed with the GP or the midwife first as your primary health care practitioner.




High Risk Pregnancy

If your pregnancy has been classified as high-risk it is important that you discuss with your GP or obstetrics team about your intention of coming for treatment, in case there are any adaptations they want us to make. 


For the same reason any concerns about pain or injury during pregnancy needs to be discussed with the GP or the midwife first as your primary health care practitioner.




Massage Adapted to Changes

Treatment utilises mainly side-lying position, which is considered most comfortable for the majority of pregnant women. For this setup I use 3 pillows and 3 towels - to snug you cosily. 


Depending on the trimester and your comfort this can be changed:


1st trimester (up to 12 weeks): Treatment can be received as per normal and in any position including lying on front and back (prone and supine), as long as it's comfortable for the person.

2nd trimester: Lying  on your back with a use of small pillow under right torso to shift weight to the left, is possible up until 22 weeks


3rd trimester: That's when the side-lying position is really enjoyed as I will support your body with plenty of pillows to ensure you are weightless on the couch, some people like also being treated in the semi-reclined position especially when working with the neck and head area. 


After birth: depending on what type of birth you had and how you feel, massage can be performed side-lying, semi-reclined and supine. It's always to be discussed.




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