Terms and Conditions for 
JZ Soft Tissue Therapy

I want to ensure a positive and beneficial experience for all my clients. 
Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with my Terms and Conditions. 
JZ Soft Tissue Therapy  policies are in place to protect both you and my business. 
By booking a session with me, you agree to comply with the following terms:


1. Appointments


1.1 Booking

  • Appointments can be booked via  website, by phone, or in person. All bookings are subject to availability. 
  • All appointments provided by JZ Soft Tissue Therapy (JZ STT) will last for the specified duration booked + an additional 10-15 minutes allowing for set up and pack away + 10-15 min in person consultation.
  • All clients must complete an online consultation form prior to the initial session.
  • Appointments will only be conducted if JZ STT deems it safe for the client to receive, for this in some circumstances GP/consultant/midwife permission may be required before a massage can be provided.


1.2 Confirmation

Once an appointment date and time is agreed,  you will receive a confirmation email or message with the details of your appointment. 



1.3 Cancellation and Rescheduling:

  • Cancellations or rescheduling must be made at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time.
  • Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance will incur a 50% charge of the session fee.
  • Cancellations made in less than 12 hours in advance will incur a 100% charge of the session fee
  • No-shows will be charged the full session fee. 



1.4  Right to Cancel by the therapist:

  • JZ STT reserves the right to cancel the treatment under unforeseen circumstances. In that case any payments made by the client will be fully refunded and appointment rescheduled to the other suitable date. 
  • JZ STT reserves the right to cancel the appointment if upon arrival to the clients permisess, she realises that clients medical condition doesnt allow to continiue with the treatment, or if the premises don't meet H&S standards.



2. Payments


2.1 Fees: Fees for services are detailed on our website and are subject to change without notice. The fee at the time of booking will apply.


2.2 Deposit: A deposit of 50% of the session fee is required at the time of booking. This deposit will be applied towards your final payment.


2.3 Payment Methods

JZ STT accepts payments by bank transfer, cash or BACS. Payment by bank transfer is preferable. Bank details required for the transfer will be emailed in booking confirmation.  Invoices must be paid within 7 days of the issue date.




3. Health and Safety


3.1 Medical Conditions: It is your responsibility to inform the therapist of any medical conditions or changes in your health that may affect your treatment.


3.2 Contraindications: Certain medical conditions may contraindicate massage therapy. If JZ STT deems it unsafe to proceed with treatment, she reserves the right to refuse service. If this has been made aware of at the time of the appointment, the full payment for the treatment will be still taken. 


3.3 JZ STT will only work in conditions that meet health and safety standards. If upon arriving the therapist realises that the premises offered by the client does not meet those standards, she has the right to refuse the treatment with no refund given.


3.4 JZ STT requires a minimum of 2,5m x 2,5m of free working space,  clean and dry towels provided by the clients



4. Conduct


4.1 JZ STT adheres to ISRM Code of Ethics, Conduct and Practise https://www.theisrm.com/code_of_ethics.php


4.2 Behaviour: Respectful behaviour is expected at all times. Inappropriate conduct will not be tolerated and will result in immediate termination of the session without refund.




6. Confidentiality


6.1 Privacy: All personal information shared with JZ Soft Tissue Therapy is confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties without your consent, 

except as required by law.

  • By completing and submitting the consultation form, clients are giving JZ STT permission to hold records and data about them in accordance with Privacy Policy.
  • Client case notes will not be discussed with anyone other than the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.
  • Consultations will only be discussed with the client unless the client is under the age of 18 or has a care worker or guardian.


7. Treating Young Clients:

  • Clients under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult (parent or legal guardian)
  • The parent/legal guardian must give permission for the session to be performed.
  • The parent or legal guardian must complete the client’s online consultation form together with the young person.
  • The parent or legal guardian must be present in the room throughout the appointment.



8. Website Content

  • Website content is  authorised and managed at JZ STT discretion, including testimonials.
  • Photographs, if including clients, will only be displayed with the consent of the people in the photograph.
  • Photograph consent may be obtained by JZ STT verbally, or in writing if the client completes a photo release form.
  • Photo release forms can be requested by phone or email.



9. Feedback 

  • Feedback forms will be sent to clients at JZ STT discretion, however every client is welcomed to share their feedback with the therapist. JZ STT strives to provide the best quality treatment  and care and any input is appreciated.
  • Content may be used in publicity material and on the website, with the permission of the author.




10. Complaints

  • If a client wishes to make a complaint about services provided by JZ STT, this must be emailed to the address HELLO@JZTHERAPY.CO.UK
  • Complaints must include the date and location, the full name of the complainant, details of the complaint and a desired outcome following the complaint
  • All complaints will be taken very seriously and a response will be provided within 28 days



11. Changes to Terms and Conditions


11.1 Amendments: JZ Soft Tissue Therapy reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Changes will be posted on the website.


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