Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage


Pregnancy & Postnatal massage is tailored to suit your individual needs and cater to the changes your amazing body undergoes during and after pregnancy. 

Massage can range from a general light and soothing to a more focused 

and deep touch for those localised areas of tension, or a combination of both. 


For this treatment I use Neal’s Yard Mothers Oil.





"I highly recommend Joanna to all my friends and family.

I've been having regular massages with her for the last few years: pre-pregnancy while I had sports and exercise niggles, during  pregnancy and now postpartum. Throughout my pregnancy I had hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme sickness) and my fortnightly massages with Joanna where the only hours I felt better and could have some relief/enjoyment of my body.

She tailors massage to exactly what I need every time and is flexible to make adaptations to support me. She applies just the right amount of pressure and uses gorgeous oils."


- Charlotte, Balham

Pregnant woman having a massage, relaxation, happy mum-to-be

Calm Your Mind


From joy and excitement to overwhelm or anxiety - 

I understand that pregnancy and the postpartum period can bring a palette of emotions. 

With the use of skilled massage I can help to quiet things down:

Evidence is consistently telling us that the increase in oxytocin during massage reduces anxiety while also decreasing the stress response. 

There is no better time to nourish, relax and refocus on your wellbeing like during pregnancy and after!




pregnancy massage for aches and pains

Restore Your Body



The changes your amazing body undergoes during and after pregnancy are necessary and  positive to ensure it can accommodate the new life. Sometimes those changes come at the expense of comfort, especially as the pregnancy progresses and aches are common. 


Often pregnant mothers come with neck and shoulder pain, the mid back, lower back pain, achy hips, carpal tunnel issues and sciatica, which can sometimes be bothersome and affect daily life. 


Massage therapy can effectively alleviate these discomforts and promote overall well-being to support you through this very special time. 


Please remember  it is imperative to discuss any concerns about your pain or injury with the GP or the midwife first as they are your primary health care provider.





Working Together


Effective communication and trust between us are essential for a successful treatment. Your comfort and relaxation are paramount, and I prioritise creating a safe and welcoming environment where you can openly express your needs. 


Your feedback is highly valued and used to inform treatment, so please feel free to communicate how you are feeling during the session. Let's work together to achieve the best results.





Massage Adapted to Changes


Treatment utilises mainly side-lying position, which is considered most comfortable for the majority of pregnant women. For this setup I use 3 pillows and 3 towels - to snug you cosily. 


Depending on the trimester and your comfort this can be changed:


1st trimester (up to 12 weeks): Treatment can be received as per normal and in any position including lying on front and back (prone and supine), as long as it's comfortable for the person.

2nd trimester: Lying  on your back with a use of small pillow under right torso to shift weight to the left, is possible up until 22 weeks


3rd trimester: That's when the side-lying position is really enjoyed as I will support your body with plenty of pillows to ensure you are weightless on the couch, some people like also being treated in the semi-reclined position especially when working with the neck and head area. 


After birth: depending on what type of birth you had and how you feel, massage can be performed side-lying, semi-reclined and supine. It's always to be discussed.




Are You Ready to Book 
Your Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage?


If you would like to book your initial phone consultation, to simply to find out more and/or 

book your first appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would love to hear from you!




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